With all that’s going on in the world right now, and certainly not to minimize, my thoughts were stirred by an image in my computer repair shop.
There on the wall were some old computer punch cards. You know the ones? From back in the day when computers took up entire rooms.
And that got me thinking of simpler things and simpler times. Not because I’m avoiding thinking about all of the strife and struggle in the world. But to actively think about things that give me happiness and hope and put a smile on my face. Here’s what came to mind:
There was a corner store en route to my school called The Dot Shop. After school, my friends and I would stop into this heavenly little shop that was full of 10 cent popsicles, lik-m-aid, red wax lips, black licorice pipes, bubble gum packets with Beatles cards (oh how I wish I knew where my Beatles cards went!) and bins of candies and toys and plastic whatchamacallits.
Beyond the nostalgia, I think it’s important that we remember and treasure things, not in the hopes of going back, but in the spirit of moving forward.
Let some wonderful memories propel you forward today.
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