We’re all artists really. Yearning to share the bits and pieces of brilliance that we know reside within us. But as we pay attention to doing what’s expected, what we’re accustomed to , we stifle the voice inside that starts as a whisper but is really a roar. The candle that’s lit, but with faltering flame.
I’ve come away to fan the flame to allow the words and pictures that are in me find freedom. And in their release, the release that I’ve craved but dare not pursue.
The nagging voice in my head that says:
It’s all been said before.
Someone else has said it better.
You need to do an outline.
You need to have an editor, a publisher, an agent. You need to self publish, write it on a blog, produce it yourself.
I got in my own way. Trying to figure out the “how” that stripped me from simply being…then doing.
I’m on a retreat from the doing what’s expected, doing what I’m accustomed to doing.
What will come of it? I have no idea. Which goes against the grain of all I’ve been taught and told. Things like: Begin with the end in mind. See the result. Be clear on your goal. Envision what success looks like. Be target oriented.
My only target right now is to sit quietly with myself and allow my pen to flow ceaselessly along the lined paper of a simple bound notebook.
What will be the result?
I don’t know.
And for once, I don’t care.
This is the first step of a new journey. Maybe you’ll journey along with me.
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